Thursday, April 20, 2017

Genealogy update, it just gets weirder

So in light of my very strange results my daughter and her husband decided to see how theirs would turn out.

Anxiously they awaited the results.  My daughter's came back as New Zealand and South America and her husband who is 100% French came back as Honduran with nary a drop of french blood!😲 We nearly died laughing. But hey these tests were expensive!  WTH?!  Kevin is as French as you can get and we can trace his lineage back to France in the 16th century! So how is it he doesn't have even one drop?!

And how in hell is Tara from South America or New Zealand?  Shouldn't her DNA match mine? It sure doesn't.  Just like the TV show "Who do you think you are", with these ridiculous results I have no fricken clue!   I have no idea who I am.  How can the results be SO off?

Ancestry is always showing ads with unusual results that people embrace. One woman said she had NO idea she was 25% American Indian. Trust me if you had Indian blood you'd know!  SOMEONE would have mentioned it!

So now I am wondering if this DNA is from past lives and not this one?  I mean really what's the answer? You hear all the time about people and their past lives. One little kid right now is sure he was Lou Gherig in a past life. If that's true should he be doing Lou Gehrig's genealogy?  I'm confused.  would his DNA show German ancestry?   Maybe, I guess in light of wacky DNA results anything is possible!

I had said I wouldn't ever do a DNA profile on Jim as I KNOW his would say Greek.  But since Kevin is 100% French and doesn't who even show one drop maybe not.  Maybe dark very ethnic Jim would come back as Irish or Swedish?  It may be worth the $100 just to find out and have a good laugh!

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