Saturday, May 13, 2017

happy Mother's Day to Moms everywhere!

Sunday is a special day for us moms, who have succeeded with what has been called the toughest job in the world.  You never stop being a mom, you are one till the day you die.  Like a quote from the movie parenthood" it never ends, you never spike the ball and do a touchdown dance, it's like your aunt Edna's ass it goes on forever and it's twice as scary".  Too true.  My mom turns 92 in a few weeks, none of us know how she made it that advanced age. She did everything wrong, she ate junk food, never exercised a day in her life, drank champagne and had a high profile stress filled career that caused heart and stomach issues. Yet she still made it!  But I know the day is coming where she will no longer be here, I can no longer call or visit, she'll be gone forever.  So I hope everyone out there really appreciates their mom today.  Here's to all us moms even the animal ones who many times shame us humans with their incredible love, devotion and bravery!   HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!

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