Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Messing with the little Sasquatches

Jim finally figured out how to stump the raccoons.  He build a three part screen cover for the big pond, which has the exotic plants and the fish.   The bad news is he has to install it every night. He really doesn't NEED to take it off every morning it can stay put but it does spoil the peaceful ambiance of the pond. So far it is working. The raccoons will have to settle for the two smaller ponds, no midnight raids and swimming contests for them, the new baffles have proved baffling.

In other news we peeled the whole floor up in the common area. It was actually fun.  We have someone from the carpet mart coming in a few days to help us decide what to put down.  We still haven't decided. Or rather Jim hasn't, I really don't care. I want it done.  It is in the gawky stage now and I hate seeing it like this.  I would agree to almost anything for a floor at this point, just get r done! The room really looks cavernous in it's naked state, especially with our limited furniture.  Maybe we should put in a small bowling alley.  Later today I have to take dad to his doctor appointment, we are not expecting good news.  More on that tomorrow...

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