Sunday, August 28, 2016

The New Toy

Jim's birthday was just last week, he turned 68.  The one thing he really wanted was an awesome digital camera to take closeups of our wild life.  So I bought him the best I could find, a Canon Power shot with a 30x zoom. He can get close enough to wildlife to count eyelashes but not scare them.

It took a little getting used to but here are our first images!
 This is Missy, my daughter Tara's elderly Golden retriever.  She is always smiling!  As she was a rescue we can only guesstimate her age at about 11, but she could be older ,she is getting really white in the face.  We have had so much fun with her over the years. She gets dressed up for Halloween one time as a horse with bronco rider, another as a giant bumble bee, etc.  Another time we had numerous glow in the dark necklaces on her one evening and let her run free and all you could see was the necklaces!  Also there was the time Tara bought her rain boots. Hilarious to watch her try to walk and shake them off at the same time! Missy has been a barrel of laughs, hopefully she will be around for a long, long time!

More fat caterpillars!  These guys are two of the 8 we have now in the screen dome as part of our Monarch hatching program.  I actually could have gotten closer with the camera but still shows lots of their detail. I never noticed their chubby little legs before, awww.

Again, could have gotten closer. If you look close you will see a Ladybug hanging out just a few inches up from the caterpillar.  As we get to use the camera more and more we should be taking some awesome pictures!  It is a professional grade camera and we are amateurs. Hey, gotta start somewhere. 

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