Sunday, August 14, 2016

The usual band of miscreants

It's been kind of a slow news time at the dome. Lazy days of summer. The grand kids have already gone back to school last week on August 10th!  Seems like they just got out.  But the good news is they will get out next year for Memorial Day. A few weeks ahead of when the rest of the world gets out of school and just before the Africa like heat starts.  I have a feeling we will be piling all sorts of adventures in a very short time.

And the sheep toads are back! So funny hearing them bleat out their message of love to anyone who will listen.  

Other than the toads it is the regular gang of miscreants. The other day a mom raccoon was showing her two babies the ropes as far as foraging. So cute to watch her and her babies explore the bird feeders, the areas I usually leave crumbs for the birds, the bird baths, a good climbing tree and the ponds. And as usual I wasn't fast enough with my camera.  Jim hates the raccoons as they are always messing up the pond, but they love it so.  You can't put a water park in your yard and not expect uninvited patrons.  That's just how it goes.

Our gopher tortoise seems to have moved to greener pastures. He didn't even stick around long enough for us to name him! Apparently our 4 plus acres wasn't big enough for him.  Hopefully he didn't wander into neighbor Ray's yard or his huge Tibetan Mastiff's would have have made turtle soup of him!  Let's hope he just moved.

Jim finally fixed our gate. That was a pain, having to get out of the car during a storm to open and close it.  This new gate opens from a greater distance but doesn't chime. The old one chimed with 5 beeps which the Mockingbirds loved to imitate! I walked to the gate once hearing it chime constantly and was worried to think it was malfunctioning. Turns out it was the Mockingbirds trying to talk to it! I wish I could train them to beep when this one opens, that would work.

As for me I am hanging in there.  I always feel better after swimming.  It really is the best exercise! And have been thoroughly enjoying the Olympics especially gymnastics and swimming!  I was thinking of Michael Phelps in my little pool. He would dive in and already be at the end of it before he even moves his arms!  It would be like the rest of us trying to swim in a hot tub. But I was so shocked to see Michael Phelps so exhausted after a swim he had to be lifted out of the pool! I feel your pain buddy.  Even the best of us all need a little help sometimes.  It is probably time for him to call it quits. His record of 23 gold Medals and 28 Total Olympic Medals should stand the test of time,  just in time for his son Boomer to take up the sport.  

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