Wednesday, October 5, 2016

The most magical time of the year

No not election season!  Had more than enough of that already!  Yuck, can't end soon enough!

But Autumn with it's gorgeous landscapes and cool crisp air. At least what I can remember of it.  Fall in Rhode Island was always my favorite time but living in Florida I miss Autumn big time.  Oh sure we have a change of seasons like when it goes from 110 to 90.  And the green trees and grass go to murky brown with nothing in between.  Yeah, to say it loses something in the translation is the understatement of the year!  

My favorite holiday is this month as well-Halloween! Always loved that most of all the holidays including Christmas!  It was the perfect kid holiday, who didn't liked being someone else for the day and getting bags of free candy?!  I loved the art of it and the fun!  It is no shock to me that it is second only to Christmas in money spent!  Christmas is in comparison a big heaping pile of stress! The ONLY thing that saves it is the fun of decorating, that's it!  I agree with Sheldon of "Big Bang", a gift isn't a gift it's an obligation!  You have to use the same amount of thought and money to reciprocate! STRESS!  I always felt uncomfortable with gift receiving, in fact my mother wrote that in my baby book: that I had no interest what so ever in what I was getting and was delighted with what my sister got!  But getting back to Halloween, another favorite is the picking out of costumes ceremony.  In past years I have even made costumes like Kaity as my Harajuku girl and Bri as a Steampunk scientist!  This year they have a nod to Oz, Kaity as Dorothy complete with politically correct "silver slippers", Bri as a sexy witch and Missy their Golden as the most adorable Cowardly Lion ever!  

And here it is still hurricane season until the end of November.  RI used to get hurricanes as well but Florida is king in that department. In fact one we have one climbing up our collective butt right now!  Matthew which is a category 4!  My favorite Florida town-St. Augustine-is supposed to get nailed but they may be lucky.  I hope so for their sake. 

Our domes should be able to handle it but our yard is full of huge trees and two large screened areas, the screen dome and the screened pool!  All we can do is wait it out and pray it doesn't transport our domes to OZ!

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