Sunday, September 3, 2017

Cave People

Lots has happened lately...

First we welcome a new frog to our pond. This one is a gorgeous Leopard Frog!  He makes "Kermit  the first" look pretty ordinary.  Today he was noisily making frog sounds I guess to attract a mate. We hope he remains happy and healthy in our little pond and at least with the raccoon baffles in place every night he won't end up being "frogs legs" dinner.

And we have been moving forward on our Dome improvements.  This week we have painters giving us estimates on painting the 4 domes,  our tile guy is coming this week to put stone tiles on our common area floor which is all prepped and ready and we also have a tree surgeon coming to take down one of our trees that is leaning precariously over our pool!  We already had a huge tree pull right out of the ground in the back yard. It looks sort of cool though like a natural tree bridge.
Tree Bridge

Floor cleared of cheap laminate

We are so hoping the painters don't give us "sticker shock".  It was a little difficult to take the dome measurements, you have to use math formulas. It came out to a painting surface of just under 6 thousand square feet! Yeah, that sounds pricy but I am keeping my fingers crossed. They both pulled up to our home and said "this is the coolest thing I've ever seen"!  We get that-a lot.  One even said that a Dome is his wife's dream home. Hum, since there is a chance it may be for sale in a year or too we need to keep his number!!
Kilzed floor

I spent the entire day the other day Kilzing our floor, I thought I was gonna Kilz myself! It was such hard work I had to keep taking breaks and I have killer blisters on my hands. That night I went to sleep on so many pain killers I'm shocked I woke up again. But Jim was out fishing all day with Kevin so it was the perfect time to do it.  Kilz is a great product to seal anything and keep out mold.  It was so hard thought pushing that roller over 625 square feet. I had forgotten why I hate using a paint roller, I remember now!  Hard to spread it out and in the end you end up with more paint on you than the surface!  Once the floor is done we plan on having someone paint cave drawings on the walls. Between the cave drawings the dome and the rock floor it will really look like a cave, enough to ease the frustrated archaeologist in me.

,So this will be a very busy week, keep your fingers crossed for us!

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