Monday, November 27, 2017

An all Octopus Holiday

Anyone who knows me well knows I love octopus.🐙 I don't really know why. Maybe because many scientists have said they are so unique they are the closest we have to an alien living on earth. Maybe because they are the darling of the Steampunk world. Or maybe because they are flat out brilliant!  Probably the most intelligent creature on earth. They have beaten dolphins and Chimps in tests yet all scientists will say is they are the most intelligent invertebrate. Well big fat hairy deal! That's hardly a compliment.   I don't know why people won't rate them higher but lets face it chimps and dolphins are cute.  Although the later smiles entirely too much.  If I ran into a human who smiled that much I would run screaming in the other direction!  People have been hinting at their intelligence with  commercials like the battery one showing an octopus taking a picture of a scuba diver with the 8 cameras it had stolen.  Or the recent Geico one showing an octopus trapped in the back seat of a car calmly unlocking the door and letting himself out.  Yet they're the smartest invertebrate, only?  Doesn't seem fair.

So when it comes to gift giving everyone knows they are safe with an octopus. This birthday I received three, a big one for my garden from dad, a blue glass paperweight one from my brother Tommy and a very realistic octopus bottle holder from Tara.

It used to be difficult to find octopus anything. Now they are everywhere. I have octopus kitchen towels, statues, jewelry and at least 10 ornaments on my tree. So I must not be the only fan out there.

In addition to my blue octopus I also received a sewing machine and gift card to Joanne's fabrics from Tommy and Ruth!  They also took us all out to eat!  It was very much appreciated but they already had me at Octopus.

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