Thursday, December 7, 2017

The snow domes

We have been busy busy! Poor Jim has been painting the house since August and still isn't done.  I have been helping- a little by doing the low areas. I don't do ladders.  Because it is all concrete and there is no roof the footage to paint is estimated to be 6500 feet of painting. That's a lot of paint. Especially when you have to do two coats. Plus we have been hampered by weather. All summer is rainy season and you have to have three dry days before you can paint. Ugh, frustrating!
Jungle Jim of the snow domes

But finally, FINALLY we are seeing the light and are nearing the end! We decided to make them snow domes.  Painting the peaks white and swirling it down to look like snow caps.  I mean if you're going to live in a weird home why be normal?  But actually it looks pretty cool! Starting tonight north Florida is supposed to get a winter weather pattern and even flurries, so there may be real snow on the snow domes!
Snow domes

Our little flying squirrel is all comfy in his bird house in the barn. There has been a bug problem though but now with the cold front he should have it all to himself.
Rocky all tucked away

I have been doing other little projects too like freshening up the cord wood pump house.  All the  brown stain had faded and needed another coat.  Maybe when we are all caught, whenever that will be, up we can sit back and rest.
Pumphouse door before
Door after

Front door after

Added to the "fun" is a major holiday approaching.  I am finally done with that too, decorations were up long ago and all gifts have arrived and are wrapped. 🎅 I started late this year and it worked out better so I will be doing that from now on. Plus if you buy things in "July" try returning them in December! And all the great sales don't start till the end of November.  I can see why people wait, it makes much more sense.

Today Jim and my dad are out shopping all day. If I had the energy I'd run through the house screaming!😂 It is frustrating have a 91 year old control freak set in his own ways living with you and there are times I NEED a break!  I am so thankful my brother and sister in law take him every other weekend and this weekend is theirs, yahoo!!!

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