Sunday, February 18, 2018

The Devil and Daniel Webster

This will probably be my last post. I've had it. Yet another massacre by a lunatic with an assault rifle and my guess is nothing will be done. Children should not have to go to school terrified that they will be killed, ditto for teachers.  No brainer legislation was denied by Republicans such as: banning terrorists from obtaining assault rifles.  Yup passed on that one.  And they as a whole deny any type of gun control because they are in the NRAs pockets.  How sad for the rest of us.  And how scary!  It has gone beyond thoughts and prayers , action needs to be taken!

The GOP want us to think it is solely a mental health issue.  Yea, no.  Their solution is for these people to voluntarily admit they have a problem and go to therapy. Uh huh, good luck with that! Then magically all the gun issues will disappear.   Unfortunately all the recent shooters bought their guns legally and PASSED a background check with supposedly includes mental health, even though they all had mental health issues like rage or abuse.  If mental health programs is their big answer they are delusional. The answer of course is to ban assault rifles. No one needs them to kill Bambi they are only used to kill people.

I like many others feel so helpless. I have contributed to candidates who favor gun control.  And have written Bill Nelson ( no issue there one of the few sane voices of reason in congress) and my representative ironically named Daniel Webster. For those of you who don't know- Daniel Webster was a character in a book who sold his soul to the devil or in this case the NRA.  After what I wrote him he probably thinks I"m the devil and there will soon be spy drones flying over my house any minute. I don't care.  I try to be be cheerful which has always been a struggle for me and now I am afraid to open up the newspaper in the morning.  It is difficult to write light hearted cheerful things when the outside world is an insane asylum. 

Maybe this was the bad feeling I've been having.  Even though my home and grounds are a fortress of solitude it is hard to forget the people outside banging on the doors and screaming for justice.  God help us all.

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