Saturday, May 21, 2016

Kermit gets "busy"

Every morning we have our coffee in the huge screen dome and turn on the pond waterfall and gristmill. This morning we noticed something new in the pond and found out we are grandparents to at least 500 tadpoles!  Our little pond is brimming with life!  Not only with Kermit, but now all his progeny!
Proud poppa

Of course we are "blaming" Kermit but he could very well be innocent as many species of frogs and tadpoles use ponds for mating. We know there is at least two tree frogs living in the gristmill. And every spring we are serenaded by Sheep toads who sound exactly like their name implies! The first time we heard them we were startled and looked around the yard for lost sheep! We couldn't believe a small toad was making that sound!

Our little ponds have dozens of mud minnows, many snails and 5 lucky goldfish who have survived the raccoon's nightly raids.  Our own little ecosystem!  

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