Monday, May 30, 2016

The little snake who came to visit

Jim was working at the computer the other day when all of a sudden a baby black Racer snake peered at him over the computer monitor. Cue snake charmer music!  I don't know who was more surprised Jim or the snake!  The snake seemed very interested in what this human was doing.  And for a brief second they had a staring contest. Jim shouted, "we have a black racer in the house"!  I thought it was exciting but I'm sure most people would have a very different reaction!  After my training as a docent at a zoo where I frequently had to handle snakes I grew to respect them, they do have unique personalities regardless of what people may think of them. The little guy jumped down from the computer desk and was slithering towards our bedroom  (him slithering across our bellies at 2 AM would not have been a pleasant awakening) when we set up a blockade.  He then doubled back and headed for the screen dome.  He had dust all over his face and was shaking his tale wildly at Jim, I'm sure afraid for his life.  Jim carefully picked him up in a butterfly net, then deposited him by the pond. He quickly swam across the pond which must have felt very refreshing after getting all dusty. We have no idea how he got in but we made sure all the doors were closed tightly. Not exactly the type of "little visitor" we wanted or expected.  Hopefully after seeing what a human lives in he will stick to the great outdoors!
Little Racer in the screen dome

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