Tuesday, March 7, 2017

"Evey body a gotta somethin"

I received some bad news today from my sleep study. I fought having this study tooth an nail! Get me to wear one of those ridiculous contraptions, hells no!  So when the doctor suggested I really needed to have a study done I figured okay fine, no problem. The last one many years ago came back totally clear.  This should be the same and I would remember to take my inhaler and prescription nasal spray first and make sure I do not go to bed over tired.  Everything "should be" fine. I should pass it with flying colors.  Uh, nope. I flunked big time.  ðŸ˜–

There are two types of apneas obstructive which is what most people who have apnea have. The other is more rare and is called central. That's what I have. These people do not usually snore but wake up feeling like they just ran a marathon.  It is literally a person's brain misfiring and  telling them NOT to breathe.   It can also be secondary to something worse like cancer or ALS. Great.  The treatment, you guessed it, is the ridiculous contraption which I feel backed into a corner to get.  I need it-only if I "want" to breathe. Gee, let me think about that a while.  They promised they have tiny ones not the silly looking aviator contraptions of long ago. I hope so, or I ain't gonna be happy!

ALS and Locked in Syndrome have always been on my short list of things I pray I never get! To me they are the worst of the worst! Everything else can be fixed, adjusted enough for comfort, cured, etc.  I thought ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease was the worst thing a person could have bar none till I saw a movie about Locked in Syndrome. It was called " The Diving bell and the butterfly" and was a true story of one man's life (Jean D. Bauby) with this horrid condition. If it were not a documentary movie it could have been classified as horror!  It is a rare type of stroke where a person is paralyzed completely, but their mind is still sharp and their only means of communicating is blinking their eyes.  His life went from picture perfect to a nightmare in the "blink of an eye".

This news is one of a long line of rare stuff that for some reason I have contracted, one is called Prinzmetal angina. While others have angina attacks while getting stressed out or exercising mine have no rhyme or reason. One bad one happened while in my recliner watching Andy Griffith reruns.   I have become a sort of poster girl for rare conditions.  Another condition they saw on my MRI and it can cause some issues I'm having, this condition which I will not name for personal reasons can also be secondary to cancer.  I am trying to be unbeat and usually don't divulge personal stuff. My business, don't want sympathy and if someone else can't do something about it why tell them.  In the back of my mind I hear my deceased Greek mother in law saying in her broken English  "evey body a gotta somethin". This would be her answer to any news that was medical and upsetting even talking about little kids with cancer. Ultimately "evey body had a somethin" except Koula who lived to be 94 and died peacefully in her sleep.  But in a way she was right, cold and unsympathetic but right.  Everybody does have something they have to deal with. Maybe not even a medical issue but everybody does have something they would rather not have.

So I am writing this as who knows what tomorrow may bring. There may not even be one, none of us know what the future will bring.   Unlike those ads for a well known cancer enter everyone does have an expiration date. It is somewhere in the palm of your hand and that is the day you leave this world.  Eating right and exercising don't seem to matter either, ask my mom who turns 92 in a few months and has always done neither.  So hopefully things will work out and I will be fine.  If not, it is what it is and I accept it.

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