Friday, June 30, 2017

Oh woe to me


Oh man, the past week has sucked!!

We have our leak in the closet which is repaired but now the closet is gutted,some of the floor had to be pulled up and it's a mess!  And I HATE HATE HATE messes!  Of course Jim wanted to fit a mini beer fridge in that pantry, the pantry needed to be re-designed and we both hated the floor so that will all be great eventually-when it's done which for me needs to be "yesterday".  So frustrating.

Then we went on our boat which should have been fun, but it wasn't.  I am beginning to hate that boat. It just seems like another source of stress.  Jim says the happiest days in a boat owners life are the day you buy it and the day you sell it!  I'm beginning to see why. We went out for a fishing trip, it is never a fun, laid back, sight see, let's explore a barrier island trip, nope never. Just marathon fishing, in the blazing hot sun. I am usually a good sport but after 5 hours  I was a burnt, head-achy frazzled mess!  Wasn't feeling good to start with but wanted to keep him from having to go out alone. And every time he tried to start the boat to move it, it balked. Sometimes taking 3 or more tries to get it to catch. And with every try he grew increasingly upset which trickled down to me.   I can't wait till his fishing buddy comes back from vaca!!!  And yes we do have a bimini top on our boat and it covers the console and ice chest, neither seat areas are covered. Hmm, what's up with that?  Try sitting on an ice chest for 5 hours, yeah, no thanks.

Then there was yesterday and I was trying to relax after the previous day's outing.  But mom called all upset and sick, she had been out of her stomach pills for two weeks and I had loads of extras! Why didn't she tell me before? Why didn't she tell the doctor??   So we dropped everything to drop off some pills then since we were out decided to get some groceries.  We had never been to this new place before and Jim who seems to be having memory issues lately got lost leaving and was putting us in every direction except towards home! The rest of the trip back was extremely tense.

Then home and the mail had come, yahoo, my purse came, or so I thought.  We noticed on our way out some empty box half way down the street from us and thought that looked awfully suspicious.  How sad I thought that someone probably was ripped off.  That someone turned out to be me!!  I had ordered a designer bag from a new web site THEREALREAL.   My jacket arrived the other day but I was upset that the Fedex guy placed it on top of the fence instead of inside it!  Geez, mister, why not put a bullseye or a flag on it!  I was so glad it wasn't stolen. Yesterday's item from the same company wasn't so lucky.  I looked online to see when it would be delivered and it said "it was delivered". Aw oh.  Jim retrieved the empty ripped box from down the street and it had my name on it.  Sigh,😭 I was so upset. I called Fedex and got a case number and then the Sheriff's office. They sent out a nice young man who took all the info and the box for evidence.

The Fedex guy who delivered it called me today. I told him what happened. And he said "you think it was stolen"?  No, raccoons did it!  Damn raccoons they really are the bane of my existence!!  Of course it was stolen. He said he is NOT ALLOWED to open gates and put things inside as they might be damaged by dogs.  I don't even have a dog!!!  That makes no sense what so ever.  I said please next time for the love of God put it INSIDE THE FENCE!!!!  I would rather take my chances with an imaginary dog than a very real criminal!

The site did refund my money quickly, so that was nice anyway.   And I posted my tale of
woe and warning on "Nextdoor at Woodhaven estates" a little neighborhood blog.  A person posted after me that they had a site on "gofundme" as they are poor and destitute and may end up living in their car.  Makes my problem seem really trivial.

And it makes me think. Yeah I have troubles but I live in a great home (even though it needs work), Jim has an awesome little boat ( even thought I have a love/hate relationship with it) and can afford designer stuff even though I usually don't spend money on frivolous things.  It could be so much worse, I could be destitute and living in my car.

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