Thursday, July 13, 2017

The Latest Buzz

Here we are almost half way through the month and I have been remiss on my blog report.

So the latest events are:

A Nightmare Lurking in the woods

I was relaxing in our screen dome doing puzzles when I heard a commotion in the woods. The woods were alive with many species of birds all screeching at once!  I have never heard anything like this and went to check it out. There were Cardinals, Chickadees, Tufted Titmice, Blue Jays, you name it all very upset.  Maybe it was the Barred owl, or even the eagle we've been seeing, it must be something BIG.

I noticed they all seemed to be looking "down",  this could only mean one thing, a snake.  I couldn't see it. One little Titmouse was looking right at me, then down, then at me, then down.  I still didn't see it!  Then finally out of the brush comes the biggest Coach Whip snake I ever saw! Had to be 7 feet at least, he kept slithering out of the brush like an unending freight train.   I got chills looking at this monster, how frightening for them and how brave! To get that close to certain death just to protect their family would be like us staring down a dragon!  Although not poisonous they are a big strong snake with backward pointing needle like fangs who does not like to be cornered.  I looked around for something to throw and found two small logs which I hummed at it.  He quickly slithered off and the woods were again silent.  I know he has to eat too but I wish he would stick to lizards and mice and stop harassing my songbirds!

Coachwhip snake


We had an electrician over the other day to re-wire the closet outlet to make it ready for our mini fridge.  Hopefully we can have all our repairs done in a timely manor.  I HATE messes and this is not easy for me to see one that may take a while to resolve!  We are still trying to decide how to re-make the pantry.  I would like something unusual.
Oh, man I wish!

Really cute antique screen door as pantry door

Rounded tops and artistic

Then the next thing on the agenda is the floor. It has a super nice cement floor that I would like to paint to look like wood I have seen it and it's awesome!  But seems like LOTS of work. So we will probably end up with a vinyl plank floor with a stone like area around the front door. Sort of like this:

Or this

We are still in the planning stages and updates will be forthcoming.  

Mr. Fluffy's vacation

The kids came over yesterday having just arrived home from their wonderful, long vacation. it signaled the end of Mr. Fluffy's vacation too.  We had a pizza party and all enjoyed the pool which is still a cool 82 degrees. Pretty odd when the Gulf Water Temps are in the 90s!  But hey, at least it's still refreshing.  And when they left their took Fluffy with them.  I cried when he left. I missed having a fur person so much, I had no idea how much. Last night I looked for him to take him to bed with me and realized he was gone.   This morning I got up to feed him and ditto.  It's sad.  I wish cats and dogs lived to be as old as parrots or turtles!  It's not fair we only get them for a few years and when they pass they rip out your heart and take it with them.  That is the main reason for not getting a cat or dog. When miss Kitty passed I swear she tore away 10 years from us.  Too old to go through that trauma.  For now all I can do is enjoy other people's pets and our yard critters.  So I leave you with the best of Fluffy.

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