Monday, July 24, 2017

Comings and goings

The new toy

I finally broke down and did it, I got a new phone.  My old Samsung was still a great phone but had a few things that it wouldn't do.  One annoying thing was everyone would text me and send emojis and all I got was an empty rectangle where the emoji should be. Kinda frustrating, are they happy, sad. confused? I don't know!  So this phone has that feature and a million other things most of which I will probably never learn. And it is much larger than my old Samsung, it hardly fits in my hand. I can picture dropping it -a lot- so I got a military grade cover for it and it should give me years of good service until this too becomes a dinosaur.

The Fur people

The kids adopted two dogs recently and I will have new fur people to babysit.  I just met them the other day and was nervous at first, you never know with dogs.  I walked up to their porch and there they both were, not barking, and their tails wagging so hard I thought they would take off like helicopters!  So nice to be accepted into their pack.  They know who the treat lady is!
The girls with the new adoptees

Peek a boo, it's Rocky the flying squirrel

The dome doings

Work is continuing on the pantry and the floor, and the outside. And it is slow going as we have to patch outside and can only do that when it's dry and it has been raining like cats and dogs lately!    If that wasn't enough to keep us busy, every day thanks to the rain, we have had to drain inches out of the pool, add tons of bleach to it as the rain brings algae and every morning Jim has to fix the pond after the nightly raids by the raccoons.  If it weren't for the other critters like the hummingbirds and the flying squirrels we would both lose it!  There are a calming presence in a crazy world.  Our little flying squirrels have moved back into the barn. Jim had put an old bird house in there as it kept falling and they have taken it over. So adorable!  When we do move they will be missed.
Meanwhile check out this dome!!

On a sad note

My 91 year old dad is having a biopsy in a week, they suspect cancer and he expects it. His dad died of prostate cancer and senior onset leukemia.  My parents told the owners and managers at Salishan retirement home and they cried.  They will be moving from the third floor to the first floor so they don't have to contend with the elevator and it will be easier for rescue personnel, etc.  My sister and I are the ONLY people we know our ages that still have BOTH parents.  And we knew that time would be coming to an end eventually . Like dad says no one leaves this world alive.  But he's a  tough old bird and will give this a fight I'm sure.

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