Monday, July 17, 2017

Das Boot is cursed!

Or at least I'm beginning to think so.  Our bad luck seems to be continuing and the latest two examples were both due to the boat.

Jim went fishing with Kevin and he was really looking forward to it. They hadn't been in over a month due to vacations.

Everything started out fine. They went 6 miles out and were still in shallow water.  If the boat had sunk Kevin could have walked to shore.  This coast is weird and very low and swampy till you get WAY out.  Something he doesn't want to do as he doesn't really trust the boat.  They caught junk fish nothing worth keeping or even edible.

It was the trip home that was the issue.  First thing they noticed was a ticket on the windshield.  That shouldn't be there!  He bought a parking pass for a year paid $75 and it is clearly visible on the windshield!  It expires next March.  The fine is $50!  The only thing we could think of was that the deputy was dyslexic and thought the 8 for 2018 was a 3 for 2013, or he needed better reading glasses or he was incompetent, one of the three.  So today Jim called code enforcement to find out how to fix this mistake.  We have to make copies of everything, our licenses, the ticket, our receipt for the parking pass and a picture of it ON the windshield!  Mail that to code enforcement they will "forward" it to The district attorney for "review".  WHAT???!!!  Just because of a ridiculous mistake we have to be harassed? Apparently so.

That was bad enough then Jim and Kevin went to their favorite restaurant and it was there they noticed the bench seat was missing!  The went all the way back to the launch and it was no where to be found!  That is an expensive replacement and how something heavy and built around wood could have flown away none of us have a clue.

I am afraid of the boat. Really don't care if I ever go out on it again. Retirement should not be constant bundle of stress.

And then there is house stress too with a place way too much for us to deal with. We have decided to stay 5 years and it's going up for sale.  We will have been here three this September.  But that's another story....

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