Saturday, January 7, 2017

It's the end of the world as we know it

Ah, a brand new year and soon a brand new president.  I am trying to remain positive about the latter. But I like the majority of Americans who didn't vote for him are scared half to death!  😧  And it doesn't help when Mr. President elect tweets such things as : "Happy New Year to all: including my many enemies and those who fought me and lost SO badly they just don't know what to do. "  Oh Donald, I know just what to do-PRAY!!  Pray that you don't completely ruin our county in 4 short years.  I doubt very seriously you will even be any resemblance to a competent President.

Perhaps his snarky tweet was revenge for Hillary Clinton referring to some of his followers as deplorables.  But when I read in the newspaper about some Trump supporters  are denying the Sandy Hook massacre as an evil ploy by Hillary to take away their sniper rifles.  I think deplorable is correct. In fact I would use another word which is not printable. I'm sure those grief stricken parents pray every day that it was all a hoax that they will some day wake from their nightmare existence to a world where they still have their precious child.  Unfortunately that will never happen.

And don't forget Mr. Trump that it was the Electoral college, a handful of Americans,  that voted you in not the majority of Americans. The electoral college as we all know is an antiquated system that should have been disbanded LONG ago. Every vote should matter, not just a  handful.

I doubt the middle class will be helped. Why should he? What's in it for him? With the Donald we will have a Plutocracy, a government of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.  Never so much as now when a billionaire takes office and fills his cabinet with fellow billionaires.  If you think he cares about you and your little problems you are kidding yourself.

We who are helpless with this election result  have no recourse but to support someone who we believe has no right being in our highest office.  I can't wish for the next 4 years to fly by as that will put me in my late 60s and my husband in his seventies!  And Jim is trying to cheer me by saying none of this will personally effect us.  I hope he's right but it can't stop me from being upset over the rest of the country who will be stomped by this school yard bully.  If the next few years do prove to be disastrous💀 I can always hide out in my solid concrete and steel fortress of solitude on the 4 wooded acres, and pretend all is right with the world.  God help us all!

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