Monday, January 2, 2017

The Quest to be exotic

First of all Happy New Year to everyone! Let's hope it will be happy for all!  🙌

One of my pre-New Years resolutions was to send for my DNA profile from  They had been advertising the heck out of it and offered it for a discount for a few days, which is when I snapped it up.

I few days later my kit showed up. The instructions were easy to follow but the test itself was gross. I had to repeatedly spit into a cup to fill to a certain level.  😝 EWWW.

With that disgusting ritual over I sent it back right away and eagerly waited for the results. Finally, on New Years Eve they posted the results to I couldn't wait to read them!

It was then I received the shock of my life!  That's ME??? What???  No, that can't be right!  DNA don't lie, we all found that out with the OJ trial, not that it mattered there.  But it is pretty damn accurate.

0% Asian, 0% African, 0% Native American. What the hell??? What about all those family stories and all the dreaming of our brave Sioux ancestors? Gone, all gone!!  To say I was disappointed was the understatement of the year. 😕

All my life I wanted to be different, exotic.  Why be normal? What fun is that? When I was young  I dressed outlandishly, and generally marched to my own drummer.  Look at the house I live in!  It looks more like George Jetson slept there than George Washington!

I always wanted an exotic name too and sadly missed my few chances at that.  I was born into a boring Scotch name (Thompson), married into an even more boring English name (Tucker)and re-married into another boring Scotch/Irish name (Jamesson) and he isn't even Scotch!!  He is full blooded Greek and his dad had a glorious exotic name Demetrio, which he Americanized into Jamesson. Why Charlie (Costa), why?? Why couldn't you have left a beautiful name alone?  I asked him that one day and his answer was he didn't want to be discriminated against with a foreign sounding name so he picked an American name. Which is odd when you think of it, he picked a Scottish name with Scandinavian spelling as an "American" name!  If he REALLY wanted to be 100% American shouldn't be have picked an American Indian name? They are the ONLY 100% Americans!At least THAT would have been unique.   But what is done is done.  I tried to talk Jim into changing it back once but he wouldn't. Sigh.😞

But at least he IS exotic.  No DNA issues there.  Which is why I picked him in the first place he was so different, so dark and exciting. Not to mention Greek men are very cuddly.  We would go to his house and his parents spoke to him in Greek, so cool sounding, and a little bit like Klingon.  I loved it!  But no one knows he is exotic, oh sure he looks it but they look at the name and say, oh he can't be, which is fine with him, but not me.

So we are back to the disappointing DNA.  What it DID show was 100% European.   39% French, German, 32%  Irish ( my sister was so happy about that, yeah me not so much), 17% Iberian peninsula, 9% Greek/Roman (wahoo!)😄 2% Great Britain and 1% European Jewish.   It's funny but I went to Paris, France on a high school trip and one of the french ladies said I looked VERY European. She thought I would blend right in. So she was right about that.  

At least my daughter and her girls got an exotic French name-Dumais. And her youngest daughter looks exotic, VERY French, so I'm happy for them.  That's off to a great start in my book!

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