Wednesday, January 11, 2017


It is with a heavy heart I report that my daughter had to have her elderly Golden Retriever put down.  The past few months have been, constant surgeries, illnesses, vet visits, medications, etc. It came to a point where a decision had to be made.  She was too wonderful a dog to have suffer, and she will be sadly missed by everyone who knew her.

She was a rescue dog long ago, and went on to have a major positive impact on our lives.  If Kevin hadn't taken her home that day she was to be destroyed the next. I always wondered how such a great dog could have been returned to the kennel not once but "twice". She never bit anyone and was so sweet. When Kevin was deployed to Afghanistan when the girls were babies I was so thankful to know that a big, strong dog was standing guard.  Every night she would lay in front of the door to the girls room. If anyone broke in they would have to go through Missy first!

I was lucky to have her live with us for the 9 months it took Tara and Kevin to close on their house.  I will always remember her running down one of our wooded paths with her tongue hanging out and that silly look on her face.   Here's to you Missy, the best dog ever!  🙏  I hope Heaven never runs out of dog treats!

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