Sunday, October 15, 2017

Christie Jane's Addiction

That is my call name on Candy Crush.  I have a gaming addiction. Or as Raj from "Big Bang" would say an online multiplayer monkey on my back. 🙈   I had the lap top for a while before I even went into it.  It seemed to be calling me.  I finally relented and have been playing ever since.  Sometimes for hours on end.  I am playing against people that I have no idea who they are with names like Agoz, Dadsthedad and Max the Dog.  Max the dog always asks me for lives and I always give him one.  I have grown fond of him and always check to see how he does in the rankings. He is usually in the top 5.  I have been there a few times and would get so excited. My dad would ask "what do you get for doing so well"? Ah, good question dad. Personal satisfaction?   There is no prize although sometimes you are rewarded with candy bombs or extra lives.  "They" want you to keep playing, who ever "they" are. 

I have noticed that when I have a string of bad luck and have been struggling with the same game a while "all of a sudden" I would get a game where everything goes in my favor. Hmm, coincidence? 
I have also noticed that many times I am left with only finding one more soda bottle or bear.  And a little figure would come on "so close only one bear" don't you "want" to continue? Of course I do! But it will cost you.  I started out NEVER buying extra lives or weapons. Then it started, oh one time won't hurt me. Then another time, then another till I would buy lives every time I got stuck.  So far this month I have spent $50 on lives or weapons!  I couldn't believe that total! Not like it is a huge amount or that we can't afford it but it is for something silly.  My new vow is to not do that again!  No matter how tempting. 

I was talking with a woman one day about Candy Crush and told her (at that time) I was on level 130. She said she was on level 700! So it goes on "forever".  There is no end, there is no spiking the ball doing the touch down dance, ever.  A little scary when you think about it.  I will still play every day but am now limiting it to 10 games a day.  I just played my 10th game and the figure asked me to continue. You don't want to quit do you?  No I don't.  But I will never again be tempted by you -evil candy troll!  There are other things more important than Candy Crush.  You will be relinquished to times of ultimate boredom-right where you belong.

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