Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Happy Halloween!

I LOVE Halloween! It is by far my favorite holiday. Yet this year with everything going on I just never got that into it.  Other years I would make costumes and even go with the girls. Now one granddaughter is too old for it and the other will be on a date that night.  I had so much fun with them in the past especially when they were on military bases. No candy stealing there and everyone went all out with decorations. 

I didn't even take out my special Halloween tee shirts not even the gorgeous one I bought at Disney's Halloween party which we did a few years ago. That was by far the best Halloween ever!  This is the Boo To You Disney parade in it's entirety.

I had wanted a Halloween party this year but again with everything I just couldn't get the gumption up to hold it. 

One of my friends stayed with us this weekend and that was fun and gave us all a boost of cheer.  She used to live near me and Jim and mom and dad when we all lived in the same mobile park.  Tried to think of fun things to do.  One place we heard about is the Olive grove an actual olive grove where they hold parties and festivals.  They were even throwing a huge Halloween party but eh, not in the mood.  They had olive oil testing and I bought a delicious bottle of Black Walnut olive oil but at $18 for about an 10 ounce bottle it will be used sparingly.
my dad, me and Mary

Next we did the Airport Flea Market.  We usually don't find too much there we want but dad and I both came away with interesting hard cover books.  Dad's was about Ted Williams and mine was about UFOs. 

They also had a horse rescue there and we had a great time petting the horses and talking with the woman who owns the rescue.  One very shy one let me pet his nose before he bolted away.  Another was a beautiful Paso Fino that had trouble walking and an Arabian that was over 40 years old. It was very interesting and heart warming to find people like that that want to help animals. 

The shy wild west mustang 

Mary and a rescue pony

October blew by, November is here tomorrow and that will bring my 64th birthday and Thanksgiving Day in that order and hopefully more fun things planned.  Till then....

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